Reply To: Darchei Torah's campaign for the Rabbeim

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A key component in building a Bayit Neamna v-yisroel is creating and maintaining a Makom KOdesh. A home or workplace even with filtered internet is by no means an opitmal situation. We have heard from Rabbanim and roshe Yeshiva alike that over the last few years the problems they face from these devices are unprecidented

as per the Gedoli Yisroelthe rosh yeshiva and any member of the Kehila will be unable to attend the wedding who will have unfiltered internet in their house, Home , or on their phone/devices at work. (Extra care must be taken that phones are filted by TAG or anyone else approved by the Ichul Haklakl.It is strongly advised to avoid all smartphones

Below is (I couldnt read) for the bride and groom to accept these Takanos, It cannot be changed by either party regardless of the circumstances without explicit permission from the Rosh Yeshiva Shlita

Please note these takanos were written with care and concern for our talmidim to enhnace our home for generations to come

The letter had an e-mail address and the domain went to a page that accepted payment