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I’ve heard some horror stories about filters. Many of the filters currently being installed are run through proxies – and are insecure by design. Any banking or passwords would be decrypted by the proxy server and subject to interception.

Being a senior level “computer guy”, I think we need to have a serious discussion about the overall concept of filtering and find a better way. I propose an initial meeting of top-level programmers and consultants to discuss options.

Additionally, the concept of schools dictating filter levels on parents’ phones – and even having access to data usage (and who knows what else) abhors me. This is not Iran. If we can’t trust parents, don’t accept their kids to school. Besides, kids can easily buy a prepaid smartphone from Walmart or staples and use it — even without activating it!! In Brooklyn, I’ve heard from many Bochrim who have access to “optimumwifi” hotspots that are found all over NYC. Ein Davar Ha’omed Bif’nei Ha’Ratzon…

We’ve come a long way as Jews, but there seems to be an important need to teach good Middos and self-control from a very young age. There’s clearly something lacking all around- but that’s another discussion entirely.