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Everything will, as oomis said, “fall into place” when we are unified. But that statement doesn’t mean much if we don’t determine what we’re unified in. If we’re all unified in a particualr place, say we get all the Jews to Biloxi, or Bombay, have we accomplished anything?

We all know the famous Gemara (source please, oh wise men of the CR? is it in Shabbos?) about Mashiach arriving after we keep 2 Shabbosos. And there is another source (Wise men again? And please be precise, wise men: A source is NOT a song with a great beat that begins with “Western Wall on Friday night, first time ever there…”) that Mashiach will come if we all keep one Shabbos.

My point being that we all need to be unified in Kabbalas Ol Malchus Shamayim. By keeping Shabbos we acknowledge that we are cognizant of the fact that Hashem created the world in 7 days and He put us here to keep the Torah which was the blueprint for creation.

If you agree, then we can extrapolate that our biggest issue is identifying and removing the impediments that keep us from achieving this goal. On a personal level for each and every one of us, and on a communal level as well.