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It’s not that “they aren’t frum enough for me” it’s that they are on a different spiritual level. And there’s going to be people also on a higher spiritual level than me and not just lower.

As long as we aren’t egotistical saying “you aren’t good enough” but rather saying “I’m trying to grow, I’m not perfect, and here are some of the ways we are growing and some of thw things we do not do or speak of in our house”

I do not think I will lock my kids away from TV, internet, and other such ideas. That is a disaster in the making for if not exposed at all when a child is an adult and IS exposed he/she will not have the tools to deal with any of these new ideas out there.

There are A LOT of issues with the school system. They are doing a lot of things wrong (and doing a lot right, but still…) and it shows when I see people getting thrown out because they weren’t wearing tights but the kid who explicitly told classmates that she watched an inappropriate movie with her mother, (with the details of the movie – a movie no kid should ever hear of from a friend) is still in school-we have a problem.