Reply To: Zionist Rabbi: Hareidi Cities should Guard Themselves

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Zionist Rabbi: Hareidi Cities should Guard Themselves Reply To: Zionist Rabbi: Hareidi Cities should Guard Themselves


DY: That is an absurd statement. There is no quota for Talmud Torah. Hakadosh Baruch Hu expects the best of our abilities, nothing more and nothing less. There is no “burden” of Torah study in the same sense as the army. It’s not like HKBH expects X Blatt per day or X hours per day and if He gets less then He punishes us. This kind of assumption is a gross violation of several basic principles, most notably Echad HaMarbeh… There are excellent reasons to say that Chareidim shouldn’t join the army. What you said isn’t one of them. What you said was a level of silliness and Amaratzus that I have learned not to expect from you.