Reply To: Can't Eat By In-Laws Who Eat Gebrochts on Pesach

Home Forums Yom Tov Pesach Can't Eat By In-Laws Who Eat Gebrochts on Pesach Reply To: Can't Eat By In-Laws Who Eat Gebrochts on Pesach


“I just I didnt belive in it and refuse to support it in any way .”

1) You have never demonstrated that gebroked items are cheaper, you compared completely different items.

2) Why would you insist that manufacturers and distributors lose money for your odd whims? It makes snes to produce a product for the widest market that they can.

3) The large non heimish manufacturers make gebrokte cookies and cakes. go ahead and buy that. But most people who would not buy tyose products for pesach would also not eat food made from plain matzo on pesach. And cookies made ffrom shmura matzo or even 18 minute matzo, as demonstrated above, are more expensive than the non geborkte products.

4) What about all the people with Celiac, including poor widows and orphan. By driving up the cost of non gebrokte products, you are making them starve.

5) Nobody is making you buy non gebrokte products, and if it is too expensive, go without or make it yourself. Just like any item that one decides is too expensive. In fact, no one here is making you buy kosher for Passover products at all, which are more expensive, although we would be terribly bothered if you bought chometzdike products on passover.

6) I wonder how you know which items cost more if , as you’ve already said earlier, you cannot even be bothered to check the hechsher on a package, certainly you don’t have time to compare prices.

7) Another good quote