Reply To: Is Zionism the Yetzer Hora?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Is Zionism the Yetzer Hora? Reply To: Is Zionism the Yetzer Hora?


Health: As usual,your comments are nonsensical and totally unrealistic. You want the Israeli govt to ban driving on shabbos? You cannot even ban driving in Boro Park or Williamsburg- even by jews-and you want the Israeli govt to act like dictators? You do realize that the majority of Israelis are not religious, don’t you? Some things the govt can do, sone it cannot do. It cannot ban “bossor vecholov” in restaurants, it cannot ban driving on shabbos. You want to change this? Move to Israel and vote for the chareidim. At least, then, you would do some constructive things, rather than complaining from thousands of miles away.