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Honestly, I don’t really understand R’ Moshe’s opinion. First of all, what’s a mitzvah kiyumis? An optional mitzvah? Mitzvah means commandment so saying it’s optional is a bit contradictory. Also, what does it mean to consider R’ Chaim Cohen’s opinion? It’s either objectively dangerous and we shouldn’t go, or it’s not dangerous and we should go? Is R’ Moshe saying that the dangers R’ Chaim Cohen refers to are subjective? For some people it’s dangerous while for others not so each person should take into consideration if it’s too dangerous for them? What does that even mean?

Either way, at the very least, R’ Moshe says it’s a good thing to go to Eretz Yisroel… he calls it a mitzvah kiyumis (whatever that means). So I don’t think R’ Moshe is a ra’ayah that it is assur to go to Eretz Yisroel because it’s too dangerous. I don’t think moving to Eretz Yisroel is an issue of “v’nishmartem” that everyone who lives in E”Y ius violating.

By the way, I also resent the fact that you say I’m pushing the “Zionist agenda”. Everyone who disagrees with how you interpret the mitzvah of yishuv Eretz Yisroel or how the Geulah is supposed to come is pushing some sort of secular agenda? Eilu vaEilu Divrei Elokim Chaim… I think you should give a little more respect to those who disagree with you.