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Proud senior

First of all, it’s true I shouldn’t say it was my nisayon bc it always will be. But as the yetzer hora tests you and u overcome those tests in that area, it does geteasier. For rexample wearing longer skirts. As u keep overcoming the battle it gets easier to fight. I’m not saying the yetzer hora will leave u alone but he will test you in different ways.

I definetly feel for you. Not having a teacher you can trust is very difficult. I personally feel that anyone who has position of hs teacher is someone who rlly rlly cares about thegirls and wwould love to help in any wa. Think abt it you were a teacher. Wouldn’t you want the girls confiding in you and asking for help to grow in ruchniyus? I think that if you look aroundyou will find someone. For mme I like closing someone who isn’t my teacher anymore like mayb fromm 9th gr. Ot mayb a tteacher who just teachesbut never taught me. That way iI won’t have to see her every day but she can still help me tremendously.

If you still can’t find someone you can always call your halacha teacher. I’ve asked numerous questionsto mmine and I’ve found him to be very approachable because he is a rav and deals with these things constantly every day.