Reply To: How will we separate the real kohanim from the fake kohanim when moshiach comes?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee How will we separate the real kohanim from the fake kohanim when moshiach comes? Reply To: How will we separate the real kohanim from the fake kohanim when moshiach comes?


No Sam, I think it is you who misunderstands.

In the Maharsha’s view the reference is to the Messianic Era when the kehuna and malchus will be restored to Israel.

The two crowns that was taken away from klal yisroel when they sinned by the chet haegel will be returned when moshiach comes. This is alluded to when it says “you will be a KINGDOM of PRIESTS- Malchus and Kehuna. When klal yisroel sinned they lost these offices, of kehuna and royalty. But it will later be returned.

Like I suggested, perhaps there will be two different times of the moshiach.