Reply To: Inviting Non-Jewish Co-Workers To A Simcha?

Home Forums Simchas Inviting Non-Jewish Co-Workers To A Simcha? Reply To: Inviting Non-Jewish Co-Workers To A Simcha?


Are CN and MR one in the same?

Where did we lose the original topic about inviting non-Jewish guests to our simchas?

And let’s leave the Holocaust out of this thread. Obviously, 90% of us realize that not every goy is standing with a knife behind their back, and we all know stories about righteous goyim who saved Jews. Ever hear of a book called “The Diary of Anne Frank” for starters? My aunt and uncle were hidden by goyish neighbors for the duration of the war, and lived to tell of it.

Re my comment, many pages ago about mosques, I realize I erred greatly by implying it was halacha. It was a mistaken assumption on my part based on our not entering churches or conservative or deformed “temples”. But it is a good example of how all these arguments started, we assume something is assur or muttar, but assumptions are dangerous. I stand corrected.