Reply To: Inviting Non-Jewish Co-Workers To A Simcha?

Home Forums Simchas Inviting Non-Jewish Co-Workers To A Simcha? Reply To: Inviting Non-Jewish Co-Workers To A Simcha?


At 17 I worked for HUD a Federal Government agency and worked for the Director. He was arranging a party and called me into his office. He asked me to be one of the hostesses who would be passing h’or dorves(?) around. I told him that I couldn’t do that since the food wasn’t kosher and that there would be Jews at the party. I told him that I couldn’t offer treif food to Jews. He was surprised because he didn’t know that but then he, a religious catholic apologized to me and asked if I could serve coffee or tea. I said that would be fine.

As far as what someone else might say because APY was at the party, for all YOU know they might say that a JEW was at the party and didn’t eat anything because the food wasn’t kosher but came to show his respects to the host. Which would be a kidush Hashem for anyone who spoke about it. So again before someone jumps to conclusions and paskens for someone else know that this is not the ASK the RABBI site and one should be very careful what they say and about whom they say it. Because a JEW is taught to be DAN L’KAF ZCHUS and not to keep looking for the bad and wrong in everyone. AND because each one of us has our own RAV and our own common sense to know right from wrong and who to go to for answers.