Reply To: Divorce is Worse than a Difficult Marriage

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“Why are there so many failed marriages today?”

Joseph quotes the question. Given Joseph’s history of plagiarism and multiple personalities, he has ZERO credibility in presenting this as the advice of R’ Shteinman or R’Kanievsky.

“People think that the reason things are not going well for them are because of their spouse specifically.”

Well, maybe. Certainly if you are talking about an individual who has no self awareness and takes no responsibility for their actions. Of course they will say its because of their spouse specifically.

But given the simplistic, robotic nature of his world view, the complexity capacity and imperfection of most people and most Jews is lost on Joseph. People with a modicum of self awareness will realize that they have to take responsibility for themselves and their actions, both within a bad marriage, after the divorce, and in any new relationship. If they don’t make change in themselves, they will make the same mistakes (and almost no marriage breakdown is the sole responsibility of one spouse only) in a new relationship.

I am surprised that a gadol would not recognize such a simple truth. That is another reason why I question the provenance of what the multiple-namer has shared here.

One last thing – interesting that though Joseph-of-the-many-names asserted at the top of this thread that divorce was criminal, here are the purported words of a gadol about divorce and he makes no mention of criminality at all.