Reply To: Out Of The Mailbag: (Flatbush Kiddush: Tznius & Drinking Out Of Control)

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I wanted to write about this issue for a very long time but was waiting for someone else to bring it up. I know there would be some cynicle comments on this but I would like to say it as it is. As a child I grew up davening in a Yeshiva and the Rosh Yeshiva was one of the Gedolei Yisroel. At the time whenever there was a Kiddush it would be held in a large dining room with men on one side and women on the other. There was no Mechitza in the middle but there certainly was no mingling between the men and the ladies. As I grew up, it became a bit uncomfortable for people and I believe today therev is a Mechitza. I don’t think it is a bad thing that people today are becoming more quote on quote “frummer”.

I was recently at a Kiddush in an “Agudah” shul and was appalled to see the mingling during the Kiddush. The Rov, a well known Choshuva rov and Talmid Chochom, was mingling there together with the others. After questioning his behavior he said that people come from other shuls that are less Makpid on this and they are the ones that are creating this problem. His reason for this is that he wants to be Mekarev them. This shul does not keep a Mechitza up during the Kiddush. Isin’t it time that we put our standard above others and make it understood that we strive for greater levels in Tznius etc. We cannot change others but we can change ourselves.

At another shul I recently attended, I saw a new phenomenon. There was a Mechitza in one corner of the hall where the Rov sat and everyone else was mingling. COMEON, lets be real. Where are we going with this? Let the Rabbonim stand up for what is right.

With all the stories that are going on, we must do our maximum to prepare ourselves for the many “Nisyonos” that we are up against. May HKB”H have Rachmonus on us and lead us in the right direction and have the “Siyata D’Smaya” to act properly.