Reply To: Treating swollen Adenoids or Tonsils

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Jaybird -“I don’t know what C&S means.”

Here’s free advice:

Is the throat area still infected? The way to know is by doing a C & S. C – culture the throat, if something grows then S. S – sensitivity – what the bacteria is sensitive to. What medication should be given to the patient.

“They got rid of the cold, strep but the tonsils/adenoids remain swollen.”

It’s possible that even if there’s no infection, that the tonsils/adenoids will remain swollen.

“The issue here is primarily sleep apnea. There a limit how long

you can go on with a kid not sleeping at night.”

You must treat the OSA (sleep apnea)!

Go to a sleep clinic.

Surgery is a last resort!

The options in the clinic are either CPAP (forced oxygen) or OA (oral appliance).