
“I want a guy that does learn when he can. …-I want a guy that looks at himself realisticly and sees he cannot learn 8 hours a day but he can fit in 3 or 4.

I have trouble concentrating for too long. 10 hours days of school are hard for me. But just because 10 hours is hard and I dont enjoy it doesn’t mean I can’t love 2 hours and hold on 2 hours of learning if I had every day. See my point?”

I dont disagree with your post, however..

Not enjoying learning or being able to learn 10 houes a day is not the only reason to not to be in kollel. PPL look down (wrongfully so) on someone who is not in kollel because they cant sit for 10 hours.

Being able to help support your family is a very good reason to leave kollel. This day in age, to live a frum lifestyle a family needs 1.5 or 2 incomes. Maybe not right away, but down the road a family needs that.

I think most girls underestimate the mesiras nefesh it takes to be responsible for raising kids as well as being the breadwinner.