Reply To: Rechnitz Speech in Lakewood

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who ever it was that started this idea that you cant take money from someone who wouldnt be accepted into the school (i think its mr rechnitz)- its nonsense.

i want to bring up another point the reason why in la every kid gets into school is because there is not so many kids there and this, that only lakewood has such a extreme problem…”lakewood is the only place where there is a vaad setup to take care of these kids”.

Also, i am curious what percentage of kids that dont get accepted, really dont belong in the school? (i.e. a 5th grader who has his own ipad etc., i guess rechnitz thinks that everyone should get in so…) and what percentage just “fell” through the cracks without any pull or whatever it is that rechnitz said you “need” in order to be part of lakewood?