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forget homeschooling.

here is a proven idea that will work:

in the 1980’s Ed Koch had a law floating around that would have made it mandatory for all agencies (including private) that got any funding whatsoever from the government to allow gays employment. Cardinal O’Oconor was going to have none of that, so he called Ed Kooch. He let him know that the minute that law was signed, he would officially close all his shelters, nursing homes, hospitals, care centers, etc, and dump all thos people on the city. of course the city couldnt handle such a thing, especially in a 1 day, all at once period. guess what, the law never passed.

on to prices of yeshvos:

we can do the same thing, in a very simple manner,

ALL the yeshivos, AT ONCE, must close thier doors, from teh most right wing, to the most left wing, fromt eh frummest, to the most modern, ALL. a letter will go out to all parents, telling them which public school in their area they should go to for the first day of school. ALL parents must take off from work, and go with their children to the local public school. we are talking here of way over a hundred thousand of children on an already stressed system. i would say an emergency meeting in the city council, and state legislature would pass through vouchers in minutes, if not seconds, for the city and state, by law, has to educate all children, and if they dont have the capabilities, they can get sued.

see the problem is, the goyim know that we jews can never do anything as a group, because we all hate eachother. it is pathetic. so, we continue to pay more and more for education, while receiving less and less form our stolen tax dollars. thruth is, all schools dont have to od this, if even all the frummer yeshvivos did this, it would hurt the ps system. this must be done for the future of our children, as the new young parent generation just cannot afford these tuition prices. most of us entered the job market with not much more of a increased salary then our parents in similiar fields, yet cost of living has quadrupled. a house when my prents bought one, was 150-200 thousand, now, they are near 500-600 thousand. schools were considerably cheaper, and supplies for school were as well.

when we do get our vouchers, which this process will force to happen, there is a next step, one that will drive down the cost of school tremendously. now the way our yeshivos are run, there is one central office in each yeshiva, they go and order books, and materials for thier 30-60 etc studetnts in each class. that is moronic. becasue most yeshivos use similiar books. now if all of them got together, and we made a central office, just to take care of these functions, not anything else, the prices of school materials would plummet. instead of 300 schools buying 100 board erasers, one organization buys 30 thousand. the discount would be huge. now add this to chalk, cleaning supplies, paper, books, pens, pencils, stickies, etc. you get the point. even limudeo kodseh . what the heck is the differance between a meseches succah in chaim berlin, torah vodaas, mir, boston, satmer and/or visntiz, etc. NOTHING. instead of buying them each yeshiva sepreately, buy it as one, in bulk.

the catholics do it, and it cuts costs. CUNY/SUNY does it, and it cuts costs. who doesnt, the jews! the people who are supposed to be thrifty and money smart! Why? because we are idiots, and for some reason, even for our own good, would never sit down with people with different thoughts then ours. MORONIC!! this needs to stop, or kids will start going back to public school because tuition is getting impossible to pay.

all you self appointed “askanim” who somehow have access to every “godol” under the sun, the next time you are getting them to assur some other stupid thing, tell them to also sign a statement telling all yeshivos not to reopen after succos.