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Allow me to comment on the ongoing discussion between joseph and health- if joseph’s source is the gemoro in shabbos 62B that interprets the possuk in ‘Jeshaya 3″ then ‘ikker chossur mehasefer”. The gemoro clearly says that the “bnos zion” (not clear if we are talking about married or single women-although the context points to single women) painted their eyes and then “meramzos es habachurim’- they hinted, or signaled- to the bachurim. It is clear that the sin had nothing to do with the actual “kichul’ (painting) but the sin was in the fact that in such a way they used their eyes to attract the attention of “bachurim’ and hence endangered their moral well-being. This is absolutely clear from the whole context as they also walked in a certain way so as to attract attention.

So, it is not correct that the churban came because of excess make-up. It is why and how you do it that seems to be the source of the sin. there were a lot of other sins also that contributed to the churban.

health has a pretty clear source as to the need for women to wear make-up and,earlier, I pointed out the mishneh in Hamadir (kesuobos) that actually forces the husband to allow his wife to wear make-up ,otherwise she can get a “get ‘from him.

it is clear from many sources that women are allowed and actually should look good with make=up and the like. I don’t understand the purpose of encouraging young women to avoid make-up. This was never the case in three thousand years of Jewish history.there may be a need to moderate it but certainly not to ban it.