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Home Forums Computers / Electronics / Online Can someone with unfiltered internet be a ???? ?????? Reply To: Can someone with unfiltered internet be a ???? ??????


It is precisely the narrowness of your point I am taking issue with. Every action and every inaction has implications. If you or your kehilah does this while not doing that it has implications. I’m trying to get Jews to see that they need to think about the broader implications of their actions and their decisions. It isn’t just about who is going to daven maariv for the omud today. Its about how the baal toevah in business can be davening mussaf for the kehila next shabbes. Or how the expansion of the shul can be paid for by money accepted from people you wouldn’t allow in front of the omud.

I am flabbergasted that now two people have responded completely unable to see beyond the end of the seif they are quoting halocho from. No comparison between situations, even though that is the methodology throughout the gemoro; no consideration of the ethicsl implications of decisions, even though we have enough guidance on that to fill a library full of seforim; no understanding of the fact that good though imperfect yidden are being hounded out the door, and all you are prepared to do is wave at them on the way out.