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Parshas Noach

VaYacheil Noach Ish Hoadamah

After going through the serious avodah of an Elul, an inspiring Rosh Hashana, a heilig Yom Kippur, and a joyful Sukkos and simchas torah, we tend to come out with a refreshing feeling and a “high” from the kedusha we just experienced. However, as things tend to run, and as life continues in all its harsh realities, unfortunately those feelinsg don’t stay around as long nor as easily as we would like.

‘Vayacheil Noach’, when parshas Noach comes, ‘Ish Hoadamah’, unfortunately we get caught up once again with our work/careers/earthly pursuits.

Let’s try to hold on to those wonderful moments as long as we can to be who we were meant to become.
