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??? ???? ????? ??? ? – ??? ??? ????

???? ?? ????? ?? ????? ???? ??? ??????

Engraved on the Tablets, don’t read Tablets rather read freedom. (Eruvin 54A)

RAVETZ writes in his Sefer Eitz Ovos not because it is written ?? ????? rather it is engraved ???? ??????, although the words are resting on them not within them, because in the end they flew into the air, if so why are they engraved (????),even though it says rather read ?????? (see there)?

A answer would be ???? is Gematria ???”?, as Ramban writes in his ???? ???? ????? that according to the opionin of the BEHAG, there are 613 Mitzvos without ????, because the word ???? is ????? ????, so ???”? is ????.

Furthermore ??? alludes to what Ramban wrote, and Rambam asked on this, he lists ????, as a ???? ??? in the phrase ??? ????? ???, and ??? ???? that you shouldn’t make it for ????? (others), ??? ?????? even ?? ??? ????? (not in its normal method of worshiping).

??? ????? ???? ?????–not to worship it in the way it is worshiped.If so five were given from Hashem to Moshe Rabbeinu only ??”?.

Its written ???? ??”? ??? ???, this is ???”?.

Although ?? ?? ???’ ?? is only one ???? ??? which they never accepted with ???? for example ??’ ?? ????? and i went at length on the ???? of the ?? ?????,?? ??????, and ??? ????, and there all one (see there)(Rambam there, needs analysis).

It appears to me that it was certain that ???? and ?? ???’ ?? were heard from the mouth of Hashem.

I don’t understand what Ramban wrote only 2 were heard from the mouth of Hashem, ?? ???’ ?? is four ????, as Rambam and Sifrei wrote.

In any case it was written on the Tablets not within the Tablets, because the Tablets themselves allude to the entire Torah as it wasn’t ???? inside, only the 10 Commandments, and the rest was written on the Tablets, not within them.

Furthermore the four ???? were engraved inside, and non remained except the number of commandments ??”?, on top of the Tablets but not inside them.