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??? ?? ??? ??? ????? ?? ??

Count the heads of the sons of Gerson

(Numbers, beginning of Parshas Nosa)

There is a reason for the praise, why is it sometimes written ??????? before ???? ?????, sometimes its written ???? ????? before ??????? on the Possuk, ??? ?? ??? ??? ????? ???????? ????????.

This because a Righteous man elevates the entire world and he uplifts them by his attachment and holiness and by this he brings them closer to the work of the Creator, the Holy one Blessed is He, and this is called ????? ???, therefore Hashem commanded that this ????? ??? is done through Reincarnations (Girgulim), because a known Righteousnesses man is able to be assessed if he is a Reincarnation of a holy soul, and from a certain world his soul is taken from.

Moshe and Aaron were on this level, therefore Hashem commanded them ??? ?? ??? ??? ????? ????????, according to the Girgul of there soul elevate them, as they were on a very high level therefore they needed this ????? ???, and since they were originally on lower levels, they needed a righteous person to connect them to the Holy Forefathers, that are included in all the Congregation of Israel, and through them they will be elevated.

Sometimes its written ???? ????? before ???????, as they needed to connect them to there Forefathers.

On the other hand there are Righteous people who are elevated from below to above by first themselves, then there Forefathers, the ??????? before ???? ?????.

(Noam Elimelech)