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23 Tishrei, 5770 Vol. 10, No. 49 Simchas Torah

True optimism and simcha does not come from ignoring the reality that we are flesh and blood, and ultimately destined to die. It comes from confronting death and mortality with a positive and constructive attitude. Life in this world is, as our sages teach us (Avos 4:21), only a relatively brief journey, an entranceway to the eternal World-to-Come. Our challenge is to avoid the distractions, the empty facades of this world; to use every moment we have here to prepare and improve ourselves, perfecting our neshamos so they can come close to our Creator in our real destination, the next world. Moshe was telling the Jews not to be misled and not to get involved with the foolish trinkets of this world. In truth, his words were the greatest consolation because they served to guide them on the right path. He reminded the Jews of their true purpose in life, which is the source of genuine happiness and joy, satisfaction and fulfillment.