Reply To: YWN Coffee Room Nightly D’Var Torah

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Just Smile

Sorry guys – here you go – I’m actually still at work

The three aveiros that one must give up his life for are giloy arayos, shfichas damim, and avodah zarah. If one comes up to you and says do one of these three aveiros or I will kill you one must give up his life.

Molech is a form of avodah zarah, because the parent is bringing their child as a sacrifice. It also encompasses the aviera of shfichas damim, because according to some the parent would actually drop the child into the fire. Molech is also the aveira of giloy arayos, because it is a form of wasting seed. Because when you kill your child, you are in affect killing seed that you used to create him.

Just Smile asked me to edit this and let everyone know that it is not his d’var Torah – so when it says “my father” – it’s not Rabbi/Mr. Smile

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