Reply To: YWN Coffee Room Nightly D’Var Torah

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Just heard this one in a lecture by Rabbi Rietti, while discussing expectations in relationships.

“Asay licha Rav, kinei licha chaver, VeHevai dan es kol haadom lkaf zchos.”

Make yourself a teacher, buy yourself a friend and judge each person favorably.

What does the last piece of advice, judging favorably, have to do with the getting yourself a teacher and friend?

Because if we look for an absolutely perfect teacher, someone who will never be anything less than perfectly sensitive to me, and if we search for a friend who will never make a mistake in this friendship, then we will never find ourselves a teacher or friend. People are humans; we are inherently not perfect. Therefore, don’t expect perfection in any relationship. Rather, when he/she makes a mistake – judge them favorably, realize they are humans.