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Interesting Jay Matt… Thanks! I also heard a pshat on that Rashi today… but I didn’t catch the answer cuz it wasn’t clear.

Heard interesting vort today in shul (if you heard it you may have been at the same shul…) That we are in this world for tikkun Hamidos. A person that isn’t mesaken their middos raos really ends up losing out and missing out in the world.

We see from the makkos, by tzefardeya there was just one frog. The mitzriim got angry and hit it and more came out. the more they got angry the more they hit and the more kept coming out yet they just made it worse!!! They did NOT get the pt and stop. When someone steps on your toe are you gonna make a whole big to do about it and scream and yell and just get hurt more back and fort fighting? or are you gonna realize it’s not worth it and be mesaken thet middah of kaas and be the winner in the end??

Gut vach!

(Wow… i feel so chashuv… I gave too vortlach in 2 days…:) )