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Tonights D’Var Torah

I have always pondered why is it yaakov was chosen out of all the avos to have the shvatim. I have also wondered why is it the maalach davka gave yaakov the all powerfull name “yisroel”. When hashem created the world the job intended for us was to be mayasher our midos, the key to knowing how to do that is his torah. Without this guide we our lost b/c we wont know excactly how to act. When Adam was created he was created pure and with only an external yetzer harah. When the nachash made him sin the medrash says the zu hama (venom) when inside adam wheras making the yetzer harah internal. This zu hama was basicaly like a poison to the midos. When Avraham recognized hashem he was promised to have the “Klal yisroel”. But there was one problem….The zu hama. THe two basic and fundamental midos of hashem are ahava and yirah which are paralel to chesed and gevurah. Avraham who was the ideal of chesed needed first to get rid of the perversion of chesed……taava. Ex: lo sigal ervas achoscha..

ki chesed hi. You think sometimes your being nicebut not realizing its assur. YIshmael was all about taava, so he was kielu the perversion of Avraham. Yitzchak was the ideal of gevurah, and the perversion of gevurah is gaava. Kiling is all about gaava in that in someway i deserve to be here but you dont. Eisav was the kielu perversion of yitzchak. Yaakov therefor came out pure, all was emes. Yaakov therefor had it in him to start the process of why hashem created the world, b/c the source has to be completly pure.

When Bnei Yisroel commited the sin of the eigel hazahav the medrsh says the zu hama entered them. Whats pshat how did it enter?? Well who made klal yisroel sin just as the nachash made adam sin?? The eirav rav!!! Who were the eirav rav?? AH ZOY ZUKT RASHI were decendents of both yishmael and eisav. So those perversions came and seeped back into klal yisroel making us sin. Even though it may sound bad that the yetzer harah is inside us doesnt take away the fact that we can also be like our avos hakdoishim and fight back and destor it while inside us.