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Thanks everyone for your advice and information. Of course, my husband knows how I feel. Baruch Hashem, we communicate. He says he has deadlines to meet and I totally believe him. Just wondering why when he’s at the office till 1, he’s one of the only ones there… In other words, if it’s necessary to keep his job, I hear that. But why are half the other employees getting away with it? Yes, I know if you want to make partner, you work and work and are never home. That’s the problem; I want him to be home. I don’t need him to make partner and he’s planning to leave that firm in the next coupla years anyhow.

And I’ve tried to get out and do stuff, shiurim, etc. No time for that. And how to get out when there’s noone to babysit?!?

BTW, someone in Kollel is different – at least he’s home sometime in between… I would have no problem if he came home and went out again to learn! I would love that!