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Those questions are, honestly, really vague.

What do you mean by really religious? There will be girls who are striving to grow (most of the girls) as well as the number of girls you’ll find anywhere who are there for the fun (and that’s not always the worst thing). There will be some girls who wear longer skirts than others. There will be some who came from BYs and some who came from coed MO schools and some who came from public school (probably the frummest kid in my year- one of my good friends- came from public school). There will be some girls who watch TV in the dorms and some who learn until late at night. I was friends with girls from all of these types and more, and at the end everyone really bonds. Religiosity is not judged by the length of your skirt but by your personal religious outlook and spirituality.

What does “into academics” mean? Michlalah has excellent classes which, if you so choose, can be intellectually rigorous. (There are many different classes to choose from, depending on how challenging you want and what kinds of classes work best for you.) The workload is not large, though, and I know that to some schools (like MR), this signifies a lack of rigor. I’d definitely disagree.

Good name? Among whom? For academics and learning quality, it has an excellent name. Hashkafically, as it’s so middle-of-the-road, people don’t really know what to think of it. I’m in Stern now, and it’s considered super-frum. (Though I was just hanging out with my Stern friends from MR and Bnos Sara, so… 🙂 ) Some yeshivish people think it’s “too modern.” (This is ridiculous. MANY alumnae are in all sectors of the yeshivish community, if they so choose.) How much this matters to you will depend. It didn’t matter at all to me- I loved that fact.

(BTW- I’ve said a lot of this stuff on other threads- feel free to click on my username and you’ll see all of the sem threads I’ve commented on- they may help.)