Reply To: Chanuka presents- a sad state of affairs

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Chanuka presents- a sad state of affairs Reply To: Chanuka presents- a sad state of affairs



Slow down your are losing your train of “thought”

You wanted to know if I was “hanging a red stocking on the family Chanukah tree”

I replied, that unlike presents which are a ubiquitous and innocuous act, the above (stocking and tree) are not.

I hlpfully supplied multiple occasions when presents are given.

We arent talking about “beutifying homes” with “flowers, plants, trees etc” which you are right about and of course is complelty muttar.

We are talking about Celebrating. You said “Many people all the time put out …trees… to … celebrate an occasion”

Granted I edited it to make it relevant to the subject at hand. I never heard of this, is it true? Did you mean the flowers are for celebrating and trees for beautifying? OR is it your third lie on this thread? (That would have to be a record even for you 3/5 of your posts containing lies).

And for the fourth time

did you get christmas chocolate this chanukah?

Why the reluctance to answer?