Reply To: Trump – Fascist Demagogue?

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Neville ChaimBerlin

“If you don’t like my comparison to Hitler…”

How ludicrous! Hitler killed millions! Franco’s regime saved tons of Jews from the Nazis. Revisionist historians want to put all of these men in the same boat so that it will fit their “dangers of conservatism” narrative. As Joseph pointed out, what Trump is proposing has been done in the US before. In fact, far worse has been done in the US. Trump isn’t trying to come to power by military coup. He is representing what he thinks is the majority opinion of the country, and putting national security before an imagined responsibility to help Muslims probably is the majority opinion in this country.

“If Trump is saying what is in the hearts and minds of most Americans, most Americans are idiots.” This is liberalism in a nutshell. The assumption that most of the country is too stupid to govern themselves. Who’s the undemocratic one now? There’s nothing “fascist” about representing a majority of a democratic country. The only fascists on this thread are the ones saying their opinions outweigh the majority of the country.