Reply To: Joint Israeli-Palestinian Prayers to be Held for Arson Victims

Home Forums In The News Joint Israeli-Palestinian Prayers to be Held for Arson Victims Reply To: Joint Israeli-Palestinian Prayers to be Held for Arson Victims


“When a Muslim would prostrate himself in the street to Daven, the Maharil Diskin wouldn’t walk within 4 Amos, as is the Halachah regarding one who is davening Shmoine Esrei – because he swas there during thier Tfillos.”


i find it hard to believe because the din is only by shmone esrai and first passuk of shema , it’s not mistaber a muslims tefilah can be better then all other teffilos of ours.

the basic idea of a joint prayer gathering is to say that jews and muslims are the same and equel – which is false!