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I’m here to agree with Goq.

And wonder what people think of the following-

Little kids (4-6-8 years old) don’t have much of an understanding of money or basic economics. But these same little ones are often sent out by their yeshiva or cheder with a pushka and/or raffles to collect tzedaka. Even the older ones know they’re going to win a prize, but don’t have much of an idea of altruism or Gemilas Chesed in their minds when they’re out collecting. They do get the idea, however, that asking other people for money is not just ok but praiseworthy (and you may even get a shiny new bike).

Are we raising little shnorrers?

Would we as a community be better off starting out by encouraging them to share their toys and be kind & considerate to others to set them on the right path of doing acts of Tzedaka and Chesed when they mature?