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Never mind health I found the book!!

thanks again

Your bekius is outstanding! you remeber from a book published in 1981 that it no way relates to medical managment?

I’m more than happy to explain why ypour entire gezeira shava is flawed. But I dont want to detract from earlier questions.

(briefly the non-contact veichle is not directly involved in the accident. EG Driver a is driving in Rt lane driver b swerves into rt lane forcing driver a off the road and into a tree. Driver b speeds off (driver b is the NCV that doesnt leave skid marks) driver a WOULD most liekly leave skid marks but either way such an accident involving a NCV is in no way related to a medical condition)

BTW i am truly impressed with your research, although it is probably your most illogical post to date, your persistence is truly remarkable.

Ive underestimated you. Kudos I knew it wouldnt dissapoint, and am glad we continued this long