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If I attack certain shitot on the grounds that the underlying methodology resembles Conservative heresy, how would that make me Conservative? I oppose any efforts which claim that changing circumstances override Talmudic gezerot. Halakha doesn’t change with the times, as many liberals among us claim (Tosafot explicitly say that whenever the reason of a rabbinic
There must be a beit din hagadol with the proper authority to implement changes of the magnititude that we see with things like people not washing mayim achronim, people carrying in invalid eruvin, clapping on Shabbat (many among us are then mechallelei shabbat, albeit be shogeg), some people making tea on shabbat improperly (Shabbat 40b s.v. U’shma claims that there is no bishul in a kli sheni) and even lifting commercial restrictions between Jews and idolatrous Christians, ignoring classic definitions of avodah zarah. When the Conservatives impose any of their innovations, in most cases, they claim to be falling back on Tosfos. Whether it be mayim achronim, cheese, instruments, or whatever the issue is. The consensus among most Orthodox Jews, thankfully, is not to rely on these leniencies.
You’re not allowed to shave or wash clothing on Tisha b’Av, but when Tisha b’Av falls on Thursday, Tosafot allows Jews to shave and to wash clothing in the afternoon to facilitate the preparation of the Sabbath (Taanit 30a sv Ve tarveihu).
Stop and think a moment. If you’re such Tosafists, then why don’t you do things that Tosafot permits that are seen as improper among most Orthodox Jews and by scores of poskim? Do serious Orthodox Jews really ever do things like this? Do you clap on shabbat, do laundry on Tisha be Av when it falls on a Thursday, carry in communal eruvin, make tea in a kli sheni, believe Christianity is not avoda zarah (most poskim nowadays say that shituf is forbidden even for gentiles, contra Tosafot), eat microbial rennet cheese made by goyim, etc.?