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Welcome back, sbeph!
While that may be helpful (as previously asked, where did
you read this?), it is certainly not a complete methodology.
If you’re interested in the subject, here are some mar’ei mekomos .
(Disclaimer: I am not using any of this in my own life at the moment.)
Rav Avigdor Miller suggested auto-suggestion –
saying “I love you, Hashem,” at least once a day.
The Chovos haLevavos has a section dedicated to this subject.
The Rambam talks about this in Hilchos Yesodei haTorah, chapter 2.
You can take a look at Mesilas Yeshorim, chapter 21 –
the part I’m referring to is close to the beginning.
The Medrash says on the first pasuk of the first paragraph of Shema
that we would not know how we are to love Hashem – we are then told
“V’hayu had’vorim ha’eileh, etc.”
The following is from Rav Aharon Feldman’s The River, the Kettle, and the
Bird, chapter 11, which is shorter than the subsequent instructive chapters.
(While this is not specifically about love of Hashem, the Mesilas Yeshorim
writes in chapter 18 that it too is in the general category of love.)
According to the Gra (Vilna Gaon), there are 4 basic causes of love.
1 – We love someone who gives us physical pleasure.
2 – We love someone who helps us accomplish our goals.
3 – We love someone in whom we recognize noble qualities of character.
4 – We love someone for no reason other than that we sense that they love us.
However, there are conditions which must be fulfilled for these to work.
A – We must be capable of gratitude (for 1 and 2).
B – We must have goals (for 2).
C – We must not be so occupied with ourselves that we
do not recognize the good qualities of others (for 3).
D – We must be able to believe that someone else loves us (for 4).
(See further inside.)