Reply To: Zionism: the root problem

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Avi K

Joseph, what about those gedolim who supported Zionism? The Netziv, Rav Shlomo HaCohen of Vilna (who described a certain anti-Zionist book as heresy), Rav Kook, Rav Meir Simcha and Rav Soloveichik, to name a few.

As for the relations between Jews and Arabs in EY a few observations:

1. After WW1 the Arabs were divided into three factions. Emir Faisal was pro-Zionist and even signed a formal agreement with Chaim Weizman but later became King of Iraq and his brother Abdulla I was given what is now Jordan. and also favored accommodation. Haj Amin al-Husseini ym”s was virulently anti-Jewish and even collaborated in the Holocaust. The Nashishibi clan was in favor of a political compromise with the Zionists. In order to balance the two groups the British made al-Husseini Grand Mufti of Yerushalayim (despite coming in last in the election) and Raghib al-Nashashibi the Mayor. The Husseini and Nashishibi groups eventually fought a bloody civil war.

2. The British knew in advance about the Hebron massacre but not only did nothing but forced Hagana troops who had offered protection to leave the city (they were also rebuffed by the head of the community who trusted the Arab notables).

3. Before the end of the Mandate British secret agents incited Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt to attack the nascent Jewish state with promises that they each would be given territory. This was due to the fact that Britain and France were vying for influence in the Middle East and the agents thought that this would insure that the entire region become a British sphere of influence.