Reply To: Kitniyos

Home Forums Bais Medrash Minhagim Kitniyos Reply To: Kitniyos


We just ate a very nice rice and lentils lunch on our kosher for Pesach kelim. Yes, we are Ashkenazic and we did this with the full support of my rabbi. We do this in part to remind ourselves that kitniyot are NOT chametz; the prohibition of kitniyot is an Ashkenazic minhag, not halachah; only applies to *eating* kitniyot on Pesach itself, not to owning it or benefitting from it, and does NOT make your kelim non-Pesadick. If we ever have a Sefardic guest during the Yom Tov we will cook a kitniyot dish for him/her even though we cannot eat it ourselves.