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Labriute to supply US Troops


New Jersey-based Labriute Meals announced today the release of two new self-heating meal products which are 100 percent kosher for Passover. Company president Abe Halberstam said, “We’ve worked toward this for the last four years. Many of our customers requested it, but it was the US military that made it happen.”The US Department of Defense recognized the need for kosher for Passover MREs (meals ready to eat) for Jewish troops and turned to Labriute to supply and assemble Passover meal kits, which include Labriute entrees complemented by matzos, coffee, tea, dried fruits, nuts, canned salmon, and macaroons. Labriute’s two new kosher for Passover meals, which consist of Bone-In Chicken with Diced Potatoes and Beef Stew with Vegetables, employ the same patented self-heating technology manufactured by Truetech as their regular kosher meals and are based on the same field technology used by the Armed Services. Says Halberstam, “We’ve just shipped the orders to arrive in Iraq, Afghanistan and other bases in time for Passover.” The US Postal Service is actually handling the shipments for an on-time arrival…….

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