Home › Forums › Decaffeinated Coffee › Kapparos › Reply To: Kapparos
wow – I guess i was wrong about your being intelligent and wanting to defend and represent Hashem. Nothing in your answer even applied to my comments, which means you were just ticked off, as opposed to thoughtful in your response. enlightened about what? about telling you that you should act like a mentsch? Enlightened about telling you that expecting a frum teenage yid to behave like one EVEN when facing jerks? Enlightened because I thought that you actually cared about what halacha dictates our behavior should be, which doesn’t include treating someone like dirt because you can’t figure him out?
do you think that because i said a teenager on bain hazmanim (tho it isn’t yet) is still representing Gd and has NO business sticking up his finger at ANYONE EVER that that means I support PETA? how crooked is that straight line?
If you think it is EVER okay for a yid to act like that regardless of his age, time of year or who the heck he is addressing – all the more so if it is anti-Torah freaks, then you are about as krum as they get.
Enjoy your yom kippur. A little time off the computer might be healthy.