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We live out of Yerushalayim and one of us travel in every day for work. The children all learn in mosdos where we live, so travel (with public transportation) is a bit of an expense, but living in Yerushalayim was not affordable for us.

Although our salaries are less here, our expenses are less as well, however tuition (if you don’t send to the public school system) is very high and one of our largest expenses.

Eretz Yisroel niknes B’yisurim.

It is not easy when you first get here, and getting used to the Israeli mentality is something we will probably never do, but our children are Israeli.

Still, it is a decision that requires much fore-thought. There are many factors involved and you should speak to people who you know who have done it and have had hatzlacha/ have had issues specifically with their children.

Speaking hebrew, burocracy, etc. are all difficulties that you can live with (sometimes with much frustration), however the main concern should be how will your family fare – will they stay hashkafically at least where they are holding now. If not, I would reconsider your decision to make aliya. The parents and children’s emotional health is the most important. You don’t even want to say, if only I would have stayed in the States, my children would be more religious than what they are here. That is a heart-breaker.

Speak to a Rav you are close to, speak to people about their adjustment, daven for siyata dishmaya, and may you have much hatzlacha in your decision!