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Barnes Planned To Murder Rav Ovadia Shlita On Tisha B’Av

Earlier this month, YWN-ISRAEL reported that Yediot Achronot correspondent Akiva Novik interviewed Meir Baranes, who threatened to murder Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita on 19 Kislev.

Yediot has released additional information based on additional conversations with Barnes, indicating he came to the Kosel this past Tisha B’Av, planning to murder the gadol hador at the holy site.

Yediot (Y):

The reports are circulating via the internet that you plan to murder Rav Ovadia Yosef.

Baranes (B):

What else is mentioned? Anything about Bibi (PM Netanyahu)? Anyway, I was in court today and they decided I am fit to stand trial. I have another statement to make regarding my plans to kill Rabbi Ovadia. I have another hearing on December 12th.


How are you going to kill him while you are locked up?


Listen, I was by the Gilad Shalit tent, showing them a letter from the Lubavitcher Rebbe to Gilad. You remember I showed you the letter. I gave them the letter and from there traveled to the Kosel. I waited for Rav Ovadia to arrive, and I planned to kill him. I am telling you this. I haven’t shared this with anyone. I wanted to get him and used my tefillin. They check for sharp objects but I was going to place it inside the tefillin, you understand. That is what I did with Arabs. I was going to slit his throat.


Why didn’t you do it?


Because he did not come. I waited.

Conversation continues for another six minutes…

Shas officials are not taking threats by Baranes or anyone else ligtly and security around Rav Ovadia has recently been stepped up, including a metal detector in the entrance of the rav’s apartment building in the Har Nof area of Yerushalayim.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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