Reply To: Why haven’t the Gedolei Hador & Leaders of Klal yisroel made a zman Teshuva with

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar Why haven’t the Gedolei Hador & Leaders of Klal yisroel made a zman Teshuva with Reply To: Why haven’t the Gedolei Hador & Leaders of Klal yisroel made a zman Teshuva with

far east

another one of these rants. yeah yeah the world is going to pieces its never been this bad bla bla bla. Listen If your living the right way nothing needs to change. Just be the best YOU can be and theres no reason for all this hype about facing reality. Honestly it turns people off by just looking at the negatives in this world. Why not look at the positives, Jews are better off now than they’ve been in longer than any of us can remember. As long as we keep doing the best we can theres no reason to panic and scare the masses. Moshiach will come when hes supposed to and God willing that will be ASAP.

And the gedolim dont need to make days for doing teshuva, we have that and were going through that right now. It’s called Aseres Yemai Teshuva