Reply To: freezer for morahs

🍫Syag Lchochma

okay bachur, you started off making a good point and now you are just being ridiculous. There is a world of difference between taking off for 4 weeks, and leaving.

Squeak – you said it! but the married women here don’t make much either.

elbendi – that is close to the dumbest thing i ever heard. if your commitment to chinuch habanim is tied to how big your paycheck is then keep the heck away from my kids! A good teacher or rebbe NEEDs and DESERVES the pay, but they wouldn’t dare treat their responsibility to the children as you describe.

I worked in a school where they had no money for three full payperiods and you know what? People were angry, they made demands, but NOT ONE of those teachers even considered turning their backs on their students – why? because of their COMMITTMENT to them. I am not advocating for that, i am telling you what a REAL teacher does.

and if you take on a job that doesn’t have enough pay to make you committed, and you know that full well in advance, and you chose to use that as an excuse not to behave with commitment in return, than you are a fraud.

so nice to see how people view the job of educating our kids. Any good rebbes/teachers out there want to help me bop these guys in the nose?