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This thread is really interesting.
If we oppose Muslims building their recreational center, it has nothing to do with Islamophobia. But if people oppose the building of a shul when there are ten more within 3 blocks, its clearly anti-semitism right? It has nothing to do with traffic or tax base or anything like that.
As to why they chose this site – it was an easy buy. Lease with a buy option.
As to their sense of building it – it may not be so “sensitive” but I can’t ask them to change based on MY sensitivities. Unless you are willing to do the same.
I do think the Baruch Goldstein comparison is a good one. He was Jewish. Many people support his actions. So even if he is one lone Jew, perhaps we should stay away?
We live in a country with Islamophobia right now. Look around how many mosques are being stopped (or trying to be stopped) around the country. Right here in Staten Island even.
Just this location my foot.