Reply To: ????? ???? Holiness is restricting unnecessary pleasures – to serve G-d properly

Home Forums Bais Medrash ????? ???? Holiness is restricting unnecessary pleasures – to serve G-d properly Reply To: ????? ???? Holiness is restricting unnecessary pleasures – to serve G-d properly


It’s always quite acceptable here to question,criticize,point out his past behavior ,and even embarrass Joseph.

Kind of an understood unwritten rule of the CR. even new posters get the hang of this pretty quickly.

I suppose you can say he brought it on himself, he is to blame for this, he keeps repeating the same behaviors. And you’d indeed have a good point.

But I’d ask two questions:

Does unattributed quoting, copy-pasting, even multiple screen names have much to do with the points he’s trying to make?

And is it the middah of a proper Yid to publicly point out someone’s flaws? Especially to do so in the comfort of social acceptability and mutual support?

(I say “especially” because it is akin to the lowly degrading “lynching” mentality)

I’m talking generally, not necessarily about this thread. I haven’t really read it much.