Reply To: question about tisha b'av

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☕️coffee addict

The “avoda” of Tisha b’Av is to be Mis’abel on Yerushalayim and the Beis Hamikdash, and depending on who you are, the Shechina. Is that so terrible?

i’m not saying thats terrible, i’m saying why is that the avodah as opposed to trying to rectify the reason for the beis hamikdash being destroyed?

Just a note, although we obviously must learn the lesson of the Churban and avoid Sinas Chinam, that is not the pillar on which the third Bayis is built. Just like the second Bayis wasn’t based on Shalosh Chamuros, although they obviously had to do Teshuva on them.

i’m saying why aren’t we focusing on the teshuva

While it might be a very nice thing to setup safety standards after an accident ?”?, is that meant to replace Shiva?

so at the least have an add on to shiva, one of the avodas hayom should be to do chessed and have ahavas chinam