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☕ DaasYochid ☕

From FJJ:

Rabbi Avrohom Lefkowitz

Rav & Rosh Kollel, Kollel Bnai Torah Lakewood, NJ


own a horse that races on Shabbos. There are four Halachic issues that one must consider when discussing this question.

1) Shvisas Behemto – the requirement that ones animal should rest on Shabbos

2) Mechamer Achar Behemto – leading or following an animal on Shabbos

3) TheIssur of riding a horse on Shabbos

4) Sechar Shabbos – earning money on Shabbos

Let us review these issues and see if they apply to the case of the horse American Pharoah.

1) Shvisas Behemto:

2) Mechamer Achar Behemto:

3): The Issur of riding a horse on Shabbos

The Mishnah in Beitza 36b says: One is not permitted to ride an animal on Shabbos and Yom Tov. The Gemorah explains that riding an animal on Shabbos and Yom Tov is prohibited because of a Gezerah, one riding an animal may lead to cutting off a branch, (a Melocha of Kotzer) to use as a whip to move the animal along.

4) Sechar Shabbos: