Reply To: How to increase Tzinius

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those Sfarim are timeless, as is the Shema which talks about punishment, as is the Torah and Neviim which are FULL of punishment and warnings. it is a FUNDAMETAL principle of Judaism. It certainly is not for me or you to say it does not apply so much anymore, CHAS V SHALOM.

i wasnt addressing what kind of stories should be told and to whom, i dont have such Chachmah. i was addressing the statement of yours that i quoted.


fear of onesh is not such a simple thing to achieve. it is VERY difficult, and requires learning Mussar every day, and great Siyata d Shmayah. Ahavas Hashem is only obtained today by a select few. I say this because R’ Salanter said it about his generation. He felt his generation to be on a low Madrega, and he stresses **more than anything else** learning and developing fear of punishment.

you know the story of the great Rebbi who as he was dying he blessed his Talmidim that their fear of Hashem should be as great as their fear of basar v dam. they said Rebbi, thats all?! he said : Alavai.